Be An Interrupter Day 28

Be An Interrupter

ReRead:   John 12:4-6

Saturday 3/21/15   Day 28

Ponder:  Have you ever found yourself close to God, enjoying a time of worship, and your expression of praise and worship upset someone else around you? Religion loves conformity doesn’t it?  Seems like there’s always a Judas around trying to hijack our authentic and unique worship. Mary is seeking to bring glory to God in a simple way; the only way she knows how in a moment.  This woman is not a prominant person in the community, she is a simple woman who loves Jesus and demonstrates it in extravagant ways.  Judas, the betrayer of Christ, throws his opinions out on the worship floor hoping to sound more spiritual and wiser.  He says, “Why was this perfurme not sold for three hundred denarii and the money given to the poor?”  He is wise as a serpent, because all he wants is to take care of his needs and image; he cares nothing about exalting the Messiah or loving the poor.  He’s a thief.

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