Daily Devotionals

The Word of God is beneficial to knowing God’s will for our lives.

According to the Apostle Paul, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. “(2 Timothy 3:16 NLT)

So, let’s spend time in the Word everyday.

Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 01-23-25

As parents, we should always want God’s best for our children and that means they need plenty of love, guidance, and correction. Many times we want to shield our children from the lack and pain we may have experienced in our young lives, or the difficulties that tried to destroy

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 01-22-25

Victory in Jesus is one of my favorite gospel songs. It reminds me of the atoning work of Jesus for me; to redeem, cleanse, heal, and open my eyes to the Truth of the Father’s love for me. As a believer, I have victory because I have repented of sin

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 01-21-25

Broken promises, the abandonment of a parent, abuse of trust, unfaithful mates, untrue gossip, physical or emotional violence are just some of the acts of injustice we can face in this life; they all leave deep wounds and pain. Even though God has promised to be our Vindicator, letting him

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Daily Devotional from Jen Auer 01-20-25

Pastor Mary mentioned in yesterday’s devotion that Solomon reiterates many things that he shared within the pervious chapters; and in Proverbs 20 we see much of the same pieces of wisdom being shared. You will notice that within each Proverb, Solomon rephrases the nuggets of Godly wisdom that he is

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 01-19-25

Much of what Solomon writes in Proverbs 18 reiterates many things he has shared in previous chapters. Yet, every time I read through these Wisdom points, I gain something deeper in meaning from them as they relate to my life. Sometimes the passages are affirming and sometimes they are convicting.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 01-18-25

Learning what it means to worship the Lord our God is the purpose of Scripture. God reveals himself on the pages though his miraculous work, pure character, and the people he highlights for faith. Since the beginning of our reading in the Wisdom Book of Proverbs, we have learned our

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