Lenten Daily Devotional Series

Pastor Mary and Curtis will be starting a new six week Lenten Bible Study, Drawing Near to the Cross, on Thursday, March 3rd at 10:30AM. Jennifer will also be involved as she takes the leadership of all YouTube viewing interaction; we will live stream.

The cross remains the symbol of Christianity; it literally transforms everything we know and understand about faith. The cross must shape our thoughts. The world does not understand the cross and many are offended by it, but humanity needed a divine Redeemer in order to bring salvation and revelation to our sinful ways. The cross gives us a new relationship with God, draws us into an authentic posture of worship, helps us better understand our own hearts and desires, calls us to engage in God’s mission to the world, and gives us hope and courage to navigate our own challenges and suffering.

Pastor Mary will continue her Bible Study, Moving from Old Ways to New Faith, from the Book of Hebrews every Wednesday evening at 7:00PM. On Wednesday March 2nd Pastor Mary will offer the imposition of ashes during Bible Study. So you have two different studies to help you engage in God’s Word and prepare your hearts for the Resurrection celebration. Please call Pastor Mary or Jennifer if you have questions.

Lenten Series - Drawing Near to the Cross - 04/07/22