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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-28-16

Daily Reading:  4-28-16

Proverbs 2:1-5  New Living Translation (NLT)


Sometimes asking for things is difficult, but God clearly desires that we would ask for wisdom.  In the Old Testament, wisdom is broken down and described in levels.  At one level, we can connect wisdom with skilled arts (weavers, architects, goldsmiths, etc).  Another level of wisdom is described as an insight into life and offering ways of dealing with life issues.  At still another level, wisdom is described as applied truth to the lives of men and women who represent a way of thinking and conduct that is orderly, socially sensitive, and morally upright.  In the New Testament, wisdom is filled with the elements of practical advice for Christian Living.  Jesus Christ is our role model and God has caused him to be revealed wisdom for us.


The Benefits of Wisdom

My child, listen to what I say,

    and treasure my commands.

Tune your ears to wisdom,

    and concentrate on understanding.

Cry out for insight,

    and ask for understanding.

Search for them as you would for silver;

    seek them like hidden treasures.

Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord,

    and you will gain knowledge of God.

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