Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-29-16

Daily Reading:  4-29-16

Proverbs 2:6-8 New Living Translation (NLT)


Yesterday, we read about gaining wisdom and how that is connected to the fear (reference and awe) of the Lord.  I always think about wisdom being applied truth. Honesty has to do with our behavior in action and in words; the goal is to convey truth.  The quality of honesty is extremely important for a Christ follower, because it is an essential aspect of God’s own nature and purposes.  Christ is Truth.  God is Love and cannot lie (Heb. 6:18).  Satan is the father of lies and our inclination without Christ is to follow Satan and remain lost to the Truth of God’s Love (John 8:44).  We either operate in truth with regard to representing God and our faith in His Love or we, by default, communicate lies.  This is why we must make a decision to stay in God’s Word and seek revelation and understanding.


In our reading from the Book of Wisdom today, our passage confirms that wisdom, knowledge and understanding are imparted by the Lord and our goal should be to honestly represent God’s Love with our words and actions.  Let’s read…

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