Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-2-16

Daily Reading: 6-2-16

Acts 22:6-21 New Living Translations (NLT)


Humans were created to love and serve God—the Light of the World—through choice (remember the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil).  The darkness of sin came through a poor personal choice (it still does).  Humanity rejected receiving the Light and Truth of God’s Love and instead chose human effort or power.  Apart from a relationship with God through the Spirit of Love who Lights our path, we can get way off course in how we perceive the goodness of God extended to humanity, as well as how we treat people. 


The Apostle Paul served God’s Law as devout as anyone; tenacious for the Law to be fulfilled.  He thought that success make him a light to others as he served God.  However, in his choice to make the keeping of rules his focus he actually ventured into darkness; he mistreated and abused people rather than love them toward God.  The Light of God showed up to help Paul turn toward the Truth of authentic Love: 

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