Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-15-16

Daily Reading: 6-15-16

Mark 2:1-12 Modern English Version (MEV)


The Word of God brought forth creation and is such an awesome mystery.  It reveals the vital connection between the spiritual and material realms regarding God’s creation and the world in which He placed us.  The spiritual lessons are eternal and always relevant for the material world.  A biblical story is not only about what was going on in the text at a certain time in the past material world.  The Word is eternal and alive, so it transcends time to be partnered and loaded with a spiritual context and relevant lesson for a faith application.  This revelation is imparted to us by the Holy Spirit.  The Word always accomplishes what it is sent to do in our lives, that is why we must invest time in the Word every day.  As humans on a spiritual journey, the Word-Christ-is who connects us to eternal truth about our lives.  In Christ, we walk in our humanity by faith, not by what we see going on around us.


God is teaching me many things lately.  I confessed to the Lord this morning that many of the things He is teaching me are deep for me.  Let’s press in, anyway!  The number four in creation is symbolic of God’s material universe.  For the past four days, I have spent more time than usual listening to the news and what is going on in God’s creation.  The reports about the many happenings in Orlando consume not only the local and national networks, but the international ones, as well.  I usually limit watching the news, because I find the reports burden my heart-the pain others are enduring-which in turn pulls on my soul (mind/will/emotion).  I want to be informed in order to invest myself in prayer for others, but I cannot allow myself to be immersed in the news.  I have to stay focused on Jesus, the Living Word my Source of Peace, and press in through the crowd of doubt to understand what He is presently doing in the center of all His creation because He loves us; rather, than focusing on the violence and display of evil in the world that seeks to distract, impart fear, as well as bring chaos, confusion, and spiritual starvation to humanity.  Fear will always seek to paralyze and hinder our movement and growth as children of faith in God’s Love for His creation.  Satan knows our lives matter to God, so evil seeks to speak deception and keep us away (sin) from opening up the Word our Healer.   As children of faith we may have to grab ahold of one another, go to the mat, and struggle with understanding the things that go on in the material world, but Jesus-the LORD of all creation-will always speak an eternal Word to bring healing that helps us to rise in victory!  Others around us will notice when we have pulled back the barrier of doubt in order to be with Jesus; our lives reflect His glory.

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