Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-23-16

Daily Reading:  8-23-16

Revelation 3:7-13 New Living Translation (NLT)


Have you ever been falsely accused?  In this world, we may find ourselves enduring accusatory comments, nasty rumors, and unkind or even cruel treatment.  This treatment can come from unbelievers, as well as professing believers.  Just because a person confesses to know Jesus does not mean that person has allowed the Holy Spirit to bring transforming love to his or her soul (mind/will/emotions).  When a Spirit-led Christ follower opens his or her mouth, the words are not accusatory.  Satan is actually the accuser of those who love Christ.


In his revelation to the Apostle John, we understand Jesus knows when his followers endure trials and remain obedient despite persecution.  God knows when our hearts are faithful.  That understanding encourages my heart!  Let’s read our passage for today; Christ’s message to the church in Philadelphia.

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