Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-25-16

Daily Reading:  8-25-16

1 Peter 3:8-12 New Living Translation (NLT)


In God’s Kingdom, taking revenge or insulting another person is an unacceptable behavior.  This is a very challenging expectation God has for His children, because it is our natural inclination to lash out and hurt people who hurt us.  Being tenderhearted and humble when someone else has pushed you beyond your ability to maintain peace requires God’s strength.  You cannot accomplish it alone.


All Christians are called to be peacemakers; sons and daughters of God who work toward peace. We work to bring people into a place of peace with God and one another.  To work toward peace with others, we must bring problems out into the open and deal with them before those problems begin to dominate our thoughts and steer us toward negativity.   Because when we allow negativity to take root, it isn’t long before our mouths are engaged in speaking evil.

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