Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 10-13-16

Daily Reading 10-13-16

Acts 17:22-34 New Living Translation  (NLT)


Now more than ever before, it is essential that we prepare ourselves with the Word of God so we may share the gospel message with others.  We need to hold onto our faith and our core beliefs in Christ’s work on the cross for the atonement of sin and the redemption of lost souls.  We can know forgiveness of sin and form a relationship with the Living God. We can grow in holiness through the world of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus is coming back to judge the world with justice; the world needs to get ready.


The message of Jesus Christ—the resurrected Savior of the World—must be communicated and shared with others.  How we communicate the message is modeled by the Apostle Paul on his trip to Athens.  Paul used examples the people would understand by sharing about the nature of God.  By using examples, he sought to establish common ground so they could discuss and emphasize what they agreed about God.  Then, Paul pointed toward the understanding that humans have a sinful nature and all need to come to repentance and salvation through Christ Jesus the Son of God.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 10-12-16

Daily Reading 10-12-16

Matthew 10:5-15The Message (MSG)


Jesus instructs his disciples to tell people in their own neighborhoods the Kingdom of God is near. Confusion and discouragement was weighing people down; they were waiting for a military King to deliver them.  However, Jesus was not coming as a conquering military King.  He was coming to bring a spiritual Kingdom to earth; a Kingdom not everyone would accept.


For us, Jesus has already begun bringing his Kingdom to earth in the hearts of his people.  When we share the Good News with others and they accept it, we have furthered the Kingdom that is connected to Christ.

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