Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 11-17-16

Daily Reading 11-17-16

Luke 1:68-75 New Living Translation (NLT)


Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied the coming of the Messiah.  Can you imagine the joy Zechariah would feel as he realized the Messiah would come to fulfill prophecy in his lifetime?  God had another honor in store for Zechariah, as well. God would call Zechariah’s son to prepare the way for Messiah.    


We must allow the Spirit to prepare us for the Messiah.  Perhaps Christ’s second coming will happen in our lifetime; we have every reason to be filled with that hope.  The very thought puts a smile on my face how about you? 

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 11-18-16

Daily Reading 11-18-16

Acts 24:10-16 New Living Translation (NLT)


Did you know that when you are faced with adversity it becomes an opportunity for you to witness for Christ?


The Apostle Paul was able to use every opportunity that came his way to witness for Christ.  Paul was falsely accused; the religious leaders hoped Felix would execute the apostle based on their testimony.  The Apostle Paul was accused by the religious leaders of being a troublemaker, leading an unrecognized religious cult, and trying to desecrate the temple.  Paul defended himself against these accusations by simply admitting that he followed the Way; presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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