Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 12-1-16

Daily Reading 12-1-16

Psalm 72:18-19 New Living Translation (NLT)


When I was a child I looked with great anticipation to the Christmas celebrations with family.  We always went to my maternal grandparents for Christmas Eve; we gathered with the whole extended family. Everyone brought an abundance of joy to share.  We always had such a wonderful time and It remains one of my favorite memories.  


Scripture teaches the Lord—Jesus Christ—and his Kingdom will cover the earth with his glory.  Joy will erupt from every corner of the earth.  The Christ will release his fullness of joy for believers.  We know that will take place when Christ returns to reign forever.  In the mean time, we lift praise for Christ’s first advent and patiently wait in hope and anticipation for his second advent.  It is going to be a wonderful time!

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