Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-17-18

April 17, 2018

2 John 1-6 The Message (MSG)

Because it seems to be easy for humans to get off God’s righteous path, we always need to be reminded of what is most important.  Pastors are to bring God’s people back to the basics, because false teachings are always trying to usurp the Truth.   The Word of the Lord—the Bible—is the foundation of understanding God’s heart and the infinite reach of his love.  God is love so when we give what the Word defines as love we are revealing the Truth and presence of God to others.

In our passage today, we witness the Apostle John’s focus for his flock.   As their pastor, he reminds the early church what is paramount as a Christ or Truth follower; loving one another.  The ingredient that should always be found in a true Christian community is an abundance of God’s love flowing in and through the spiritual family.  We genuinely care for one another and we believe the best of one another. Love does not step all over others in word or deed in order to exalt, satisfy, or protect the flesh; that is the world’s way.  Love does not demand its own way; that is stubborn and controlling flesh.  Love is patient and kind; like God.

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