Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 5-22-18

May 22, 2018

1 Corinthians 12:12-20

In our spiritual lives as Christians, we are baptized into one Spirit, one faith, for one Lord.  Through salvation, Jesus Christ has become the Head of our lives; he must be Lord.  Therefore, everything that comes into our lives must bow to the will of Christ; otherwise, we may find ourselves fighting against the Lord. 

God decides every person’s gifts and graces; He imparts gifts and we are given opportunities to use them. Agreement is essential for the Anointed One to shine.  These gifts are not about talent per se; although they may be perceived as such.  The gifts of the Spirit serve to build up the Body of Christ to spiritual maturity.  In some form or fashion every person should be serving the Lord in their local spiritual family.  Every gift is necessary; to withhold it or minimize it would be an act of fear or selfishness.  

If you are reading this devotion today, I may not be aware of the gifts inside of you, but if you know Jesus then you most certainly have them.  Identify them.  Sometimes the best way to identify your gifts is by trying different things in ministry.  The Body tends to affirm our gifts.  When we release our spiritual gifts to help the Body, it is never about how it makes us feel it’s for the benefit of the whole.  The purpose of using every person’s gift(s) is for the growth it brings the Body when we use it. 

In our lesson today, the Apostle Paul continues to teach us about the unique work of the Holy Spirit and how the Body of Christ is set up for success if we allow the work of the Spirit to direct our lives and purpose.  

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