May 30, 2018
Mark 4:21-25 New Living Translation (NLT)
When I was younger, I had what my kids would call “turbo hearing.” lol…Probably, because what was in secret came out into the open. Honestly, I find the older I get the more closely I must listen to what people are trying to tell me. I have always desired to be fully present and paying attention, but now I need to really focus because background noise and conversations can mess with my hearing and understanding. Sometimes, I need to move to a quieter place in order to really listen.
In our passage today, Jesus is speaking to his disciples. He tells them they need to really pay attention and listen closely. The disciples’ understanding is based on how closely they listen. In fact, if they will press in to really pay attention, listen, and do what he says, Jesus promises they will be given even greater understanding…greater Light. So, listen to the Word, allow it to teach you truth, and let the Light of Christ shine understanding in you, today.