Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 7-10-18

July 10, 2018

James 5:7-12 New Living Translation (NLT)

God always seems to help me love and deal with all kinds of people.  I encounter so many different personalities each day; so many needs in human lives.  Some days my pray is, “Lord, how can I best love this person into your loving arms?  What do they really need and how can I reveal your presence in the answer?  Whatever I need to say, Lord, give me the words.  Whatever action I need to take, Lord, guide my thoughts, arms, and feet.”  Christ is returning for his Bride and we need to be ready by waiting and living in peace with God and others; this means we must live by the power of grace. 

Our passage the last two days has been focused on loving people; staying the course in the love of Jesus Christ in order to extend mercy and to grow our endurance for handling difficulties.  I still find myself frustrated at times when reaching out to love people who just want a quick fix and not a life change.  So, I have some growing to do and God is bringing me a greater measure of freedom.  I still feel God is wanting to bring a directional change to the lifestyle of the world, but I am only one daughter of millions and my biggest challenge is to face my own Judge with a right heart.  So, as you reach out today to live in the light of Truth with Christ’s Spirit as your Guide, be patient and know that God is helping you grow each time you encounter folks who frustrate you.  He may not be bringing the change in them; his plan for change may be in you.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 7-9-18

July 9, 2018

2 Corinthians 12:2-10 New Living Translation (NLT)

The Apostle Paul consistently instructs the Corinthian church about staying focused on the path of God; to follow Jesus in spite of the hard places and difficult people. In our passage, today, Paul shares about having a very mysterious encounter with God.  It is off the charts amazing, but even with that mountain top experience he continues to face other human challenges.  When we experience difficult times and people, God is still ready to reveal wonderful mysteries about his love and plans for us.  

Paul calls his difficulty a thorn in the flesh.  Many theologians believe that thorn had something to do with getting along with difficult people. Yet, God used the challenge to keep Paul humble and reliant on grace.  Give God your challenges and ask him for an abundance of grace; it’s more than enough to cover every weakness.  

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