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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 7-23-18

July 23, 2018

Hebrews 13:17, 20-21 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

This week John and I are preparing our home to be tent fumigated; we have dry wood termites in the garage. Snakes, rats, fleas AND termites!  What a fun season this has been! (note sarcasm).   To prepare for the fumigation, we need to clear out all the food items, spices, medications, dog food/treats; we must empty our refrigerator, pantry, and medicine cabinets.  We will do everything they have asked us to do, so we can get the greatest benefit from the gas/chemical application.  I speak to every pest that has tried to make our home their home, “Bye bye! It is finished!”

As we have been watching over our home and have taken steps to clear away all unwanted pest guests, God has been watching over the souls of his children by taking steps to clear away every area hiding the evil pests of sin and selfishness. Psalms 91:2-3 says, “I will say of the Lord He is my refuge and my fortress my God in Him will I trust. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the annoying pestilence.” As John and I have made our house ready for radical extermination, may the Holy Spirit make all souls ready for the extermination of every trace of evil and help us eagerly embrace his righteous way of living. As a spiritual guide and leader, in Christ, watching over God’s family, I speak to every unrighteous spiritual pest that has tried to make the people of God’s physical bodies their home, “Bye, bye! It is finished!”


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