Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 8-3-18

August 3, 2018

Psalm 51:1-12 New Living Translation (NLT)

In our Wednesday LIFE Lessons Bible Study, we spent more time on the Beatitudes found in the gospel of Matthew; the attitude of being in Christ which should be every Christian’s goal.  Blessings abound in God’s Kingdom.  We abide in that spiritual realm of blessing when we understand: 1) our spiritual poverty (emptiness apart from Christ); 2) as we mourn for his world who is lost to him; 3) the need for a spirit of meekness (quiet strength); 4) the value of being hungry and thirsty for righteousness (right living before a holy God); 5) the power of extending mercy to others; 6) the necessity of being pure in heart (undivided in devotion to God); and 7) the work of remaining in peace (shalom) with God and others.

David recognized his spiritual poverty, God’s call to meekness or humility, the hunger for God’s presence that had departed, and his sin that had caused him to be unclean before a holy God. David cried for mercy based on God’s kindness.  He saw clearly his sin and the need for spiritual cleansing and restoration.  We’ve all sinned against the love of God and we must bear the responsibility of knowing that truth.  In Christ we have a righteous sin offering.  May we allow the blood of Jesus to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, may we hunger for more of God each day, and may we be willing to live with the attitude of Christ. Enjoy a blessed weekend.

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