August 29, 2018
John 15:16-25 New Living Translation (NLT)
I really enjoy eating fresh fruit; all different kinds of fruit. Every week I look forward to checking out the produce section at the grocery store or market to decide what fruit looks good. I pick a specific fruit by the appearance, but sadly a few days later it no longer looks the same nor smells the same. Disconnecting the fruit from the life-giving vine causes it to begin the spoilage process. Wouldn’t it be nice if the fruit we pick, pay for, and take home stayed fresh?
In our passage today, Jesus reminds the disciples that he chose them and appointed them to bear lasting fruit; fruit that stays fresh, ripe, and inspiring for eternity. In fact, Jesus connects lasting fruit developed in us with receiving answered prayer. That is a great lesson and one beautiful reason to remain connected to Christ—our True Vine. The lasting fruit Jesus is talking about in this passage is not bananas, apples, or berries; rather it is love. Our love is not to spoil or diminish in power. We are to hold onto our love in spite of how we are treated in the world. Maybe you understand Jesus’ comment because others have hated you without a cause; they have rejected the fruit of your love. Pray for those that persecute you; stay connected to the Life-Giving Vine and move on to learn with those who celebrate God’s love in you.