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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 10-16-18

October 16, 2018

Job 28:12-29:20 The Message (MSG)

Many times people confuse wisdom with knowledge, but they are not the same. We can gain knowledge by our own efforts, but we cannot gain wisdom without divine help. Wisdom is given so we can make good use of knowledge and to determine what is right or wrong in our lives before God.  

In our wisdom passage from Job, we learn the ultimate interpretation for our lives must come from God—from the One who created us in his image.  Only God can reveal his plans for our lives. Our reverence and respect for God will establish a beginning in our quest for wisdom. In order to receive wisdom, we must trust the Lord who gives it generously to those who seek him and ask. So, ask God for wisdom and trust him to bring to your understanding what you need to be prosperous in every area of your life.  Father God wants to bless you with wisdom, so be listening carefully.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 10-15-18

October 15, 2018

Psalm 39 New Living Translation (NLT)

Do you find yourself tempted to complain about aspects of your life?  In our passage today, King David has decided to watch what he says, because he realizes being negative about his life may lead people to think God does not take care of him.  King David had reasons to be disappointed, but complaining was not going to change God’s timing or plans.  Our words need to reflect our commitment and devotion to God.  When you find yourself disappointed, take time to pray for God’s peace to still the turmoil, and hold your tongue.  It’s wisdom.

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