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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 11-29-18

November 29, 2018

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 The Message (MSG)

Have you ever found yourself sleepwalking?  I remember a movie I saw years ago that depicted the hilarious antics of a sleepwalker who remembered nothing about his night adventures the next morning.  I know very little about sleepwalking or the medical reasons for it, but I did read it usually takes place during the first third of the night when a person is in his or her deepest sleep pattern.  At that time, the brainwaves are slow, relaxed, and peaceful, but the body is still active tossing and turning or moving around.  

In our passage today, the Apostle Paul reminds us we are to be alert and spiritually awake for Christ’s second advent or coming.  We are warned against a false sense of peace.  We are to guard against sleepwalking through life; being oblivious to our actions or how we are living.  Let’s keep our minds fixed on Jesus and his work of redemption; focus on eternal life and stay vibrant in the righteousness of the Lord.  Fight the temptation to be preoccupied with only earthly activities.  Choose to spend time allowing the Word to transform your mind and grow you up into Christ who speaks hope into the lives of others getting them ready, as well.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 11-28-18

November 28, 2018

John 16:25-33 New Living Translation (NLT)


Jesus has brought so many gifts to believers, but the greatest gift of all is the ability to have a new relationship with our Heavenly Father.  Before Jesus it was impossible to approach God on a personal level; people could only connect with God through priests.  After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, whosoever will believe in Christ can connect with Almighty God and enjoy fellowship.  We can talk directly with Father—the Creator.  So, whatever is going on in your life—blessings as well as challenges—enjoy a conversation with Father, today.  He waits for your visits and will always leave you feeling comforted and valued.

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