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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 11-30-18

November 30, 2018

Psalm 25

In our passage today, King David is singing a song to the Lord thanking God for helping him conquer the enemies of his soul; asking the Lord to guide him onto the righteous path.  If we are going to join Jesus on the righteous path, we are going to need to confess that sometimes we need a change in direction.  In fact, Scripture teaches there is a way that seems right, but it ends in destruction (Prov. 14:12).  So, it is best not to lean on our own understanding, but acknowledge the Lord in all things and look for his guidance to get us on the path of righteousness.

Do you consider yourself a teachable person?  Are you someone who welcomes new ideas, new experiences, and new thoughts?  If so, you will enjoy your journey with Jesus.  He is all about teaching us what it means to live in Christ…live in the Anointed One.  There is no other experience or journey like it.  Have a blessed weekend…

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