Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 12-7-18

December 7, 2018

Philippians 1:20-26 New Living Translation

The world’s definition for peace is freedom from disturbance or tranquility.  It conjures up a more passive picture. Biblical peace based on the Hebrew world, shalom, brings a much broader and active meaning.  God’s peace translates to be sound of mind, complete, or whole.  God’s Word teaches that His peace is not necessarily based on pleasant circumstances.  In fact, we can stay in peace no matter what is going on in our lives if we stay focused on trusting God who is the Source of our shalom or peace.

While the Apostle Paul spent time in prison for sharing his faith in Christ, he held onto his peace and continued to write to the church in Philippi and encourage them to keep spreading the Good News of Jesus.  He prayed for the church family to overflow with love for one another, because that would be a testimony to the presence and power of God operating in their lives.  Then, Paul shares his testimony of how God was working in his life; he found joy in Christ even in prison.  Paul was able to share the Good News with the palace guards and they became believers.  Paul’s witness for Christ in prison gave other believers confidence and courage to share Christ’s message without fear.  Sometimes we forget how God uses our circumstances to touch the lives of others who are watching our lives and listening to our words.  This is why it is so important to remain in God’s love, hold on to our peace, and trust His plan.

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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 12-6-18

December 6, 2018

Luke 1:68-79 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

I truly enjoy creating environments, sharing the Word, and preparing God’s people for an encounter with the Lord.  I see each opportunity as a great privilege offered by God.  In our passage today infant  John the Baptist is being dedicated; he will be a prophetic voice for God. One day John will take his place in God’s plan and instruct people to turn toward the Light; preparing them to receive salvation from God.  John would bear witness to the Light with his life.

During this Advent season, be a part of preparing others for a visit from Messiah—the eternal Light for the darkened soul.  Light and Life comes to those who welcome Messiah. He delivers us from our enemies: evil and the power of sin.  Please tell people how much God loves them.  Let praise rise on your lips to let others know the healing peace the Savior has brought to you.  Fear is not the reason we serve Christ.  We tell others because Love has called us to a miraculous life of peace with God and our neighbors.

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