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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 1-22-19

January 22, 2019

Psalm 145 The Message (MSG)

In our passage today, David shares his extravagant praise of God’s faithfulness.  David gives thanks and confesses the unfathomable greatness of God.  David’s praise is built on his appreciation for God’s kingdom and rule in his life.  God alone rules in righteousness and under His authority God’s people are safe in His care.  David sings about how God has always been there to help him through the difficult times with His healing grace.  Humanity was created to give God praise not because God needs it, but because praising God takes our eyes off from our humanity and places our hopes on Someone greater who sincerely and purely loves us. 

If you are going through a tough time, then bow in praise and thanksgiving to God.  Ask God to take care of you and everything involved in this trial.  Ask and you will find Him faithful.  Give fear no room in your thoughts or emotions.  God will always stick by you—He is faithful beyond human understanding—and He will provide for you in every way.  You have God’s Word or promise to be your Standby.  Let your faith in God be greater than your fears!  Praise Him because He alone is worthy to be praised!  I look forward to the day when everything on heaven and earth gives God praise and honor!

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