Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 1-30-19

January 30, 2019

Psalm 119:92-96 NLT

Recently, I have had to limit my caffeinated coffee intake; I don’t like it, but I feel calmer!  I have chosen to limit my carbohydrate intake, as well; I don’t like it, but I feel healthier!  I have to leave some things behind and limit other things in order to move forward to greater wholeness.  Do you like limits?  I don’t like limits, but I know setting an amount restriction on these two areas is really good for me.  So, like it or not, I will embrace the change and honor the limit.

In life, we will have to face or implement a variety of limits in order to take care of these physical temples (bodies); we are carriers of the Word.  We need to be as healthy as possible; we need the healing grace of God every day.  Only the Word can heal us and help us limit the dominion of the world’s ways over our lives.  We are in the world, but we are not of the world. 

Now, even though there are limits in the natural world, there are no limits to the abundant provision of God’s Word or his salvation.  So live your Christian life today with a new perspective.  We serve the limitless God who stands ready to speak his blessings over us moment by moment.  Jesus called this limitless living “Kingdom life” in the abundance of God. We just need to follow his Word of Life! The enemy wants to rob steal and destroy, but Jesus came to give us life (John 10:10).  So, spend more time in the blessings of God and less time thinking about what you have to leave behind or limit.  Better things in the goodness of God await us…

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