Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-24-19

April 24, 2019

Acts 5:12-16 Contemporary English Version (CEV)


Would you describe yourself as an honest person?  Scripture teaches we must be authentic and honest with God and others; the Word commands it.  This authenticity is referred to as integrity and it is associated with the root word of shalom or peace.  Integrity is the state of being whole or undivided.  At the cross, Christ made peace with God in our behalf.  As we allow God to make us whole, we begin to live in his integrity. He brings the proper shape to our character. Power is released to us as we mature spiritually.  We cannot bear false witness—lie—and still walk in God’s power.  Sometimes, we don’t have the power of God flowing through us because we are not operating in the integrity of Christ.  Have you associated God’s power with the integrity of your words or actions?  


During Jesus’ ministry, he performed many miracles and signs that pointed to God’s power living in him.  Now, the Apostles are experiencing that same kind of power; the power to heal and deliver people from the bondage of darkness.  Truthfully, people are somewhat afraid of meeting with the apostles, because they have heard about what happened to Ananias and Sapphira when they lied to Peter and God. Do you know what happened to this couple? They died as soon as the lie came across their lips (Acts 5:1-11).  


On the other hand, Peter understands the power of lies, because he lied about knowing the Lord.  He suffered greatly with his own verbal sin.  But, because of the blood of Messiah, Peter experienced the forgiveness of God and a new beginning in his integrity.  Peter is determined not to make the same mistakes and therefore he connects with the power of God to heal others.  Peter, the teachable spirit, walks in integrity and power! 

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