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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-25-19

April 25, 2019

Acts 5:17-26 New Life Version (NLV)


How would you describe the emotion of jealousy?  When it is used against you it feels like opposition and when it rises up in you it feels like rejection.  In the Bible, the word jealousy has both a positive and negative meaning.  God is described at times as a jealous God, but it is always positive and based on his concern for us because we belong to him. God’s jealousy causes him to be angry at sin and then turn to restore people to himself because he cannot bear to be separated like a Groom for his Bride. When the Word speaks of God’s jealousy it always has to do with his faithful protection for those whom he loves; the depths he will go to call his children back into his care.  


Human jealousy is a result of sin in the heart; it is negative and can bring destruction to relationships.  Jealousy is fear based and is awakened in humans by something that may exalt others over self or provide greater pleasures or advantages for which we desire for ourselves.  Think about the jealousy that rose up in Cain over Abel, brothers over Joseph, and Saul over David.   St. Augustine once said, “He that is jealous is not in love.”  The Apostle Paul teaches, “Love is not jealous…” (1 Cor 13:4).  In our passage today, Christ’s new missionaries are flowing in the anointed power of God to heal people and the Temple priests and religious leaders are jealous. Instead of acknowledging Christ and joining with the Spirit-led apostles, they try to fight them and diminish them.  But, when God is in something and he sends us, no weapon formed against us will prosper.  So although these leaders may initially look like they have the upper hand and they think they are representing God, the Lord reveals otherwise and the Truth continues to be preached.  Don’t allow jealousy to have dominion over you; stay connected to Christ because he can be trusted with your heart as you serve him.

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