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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-3-19

June 3, 2019

Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21


This last week’s violent mass shooting at Virginia Beach has reminded us again this world is ruled by Satan and evil is expanding its reach for more hearts.  If the heart of humanity is not sold out to Christ, anyone can be a pawn for Satan.  As we look at a world filled with issues, problems, evil, violence, persecution, lawlessness, and selfishness, we must endure in our faith, hang onto God’s love abiding in us, and patiently wait for our Messiah to return.  Our eyes must be fixed upon the promises of God; our hope resting on the Word of Truth.  One day Jesus will rule a new earth where sin and evil no longer exists. For now, the Lord’s grace is sufficient to keep us abiding in his love.  He is faithful and true and he will bring everything he has promised to pass.  May God cover us with his grace each day and may we live ready to meet him at any moment.  Come Lord Jesus and bring lasting peace.

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