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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 9-30-19

Revelation 3:14-22 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Spiritual indifference is a dangerous attitude that arises from a sinful root in the soul. The Bible defines indifference as a neutral attitude toward God that is as dangerous as hostility. It is condemned as rejection of God’s love, as well as the needs of others. A person who suffers spiritual indifference has no desire to diligently seek God’s presence and no problem refusing to follow God’s Word. God reaches out to correct and discipline his children of indifference. Repentance, study, and worship is used by the Spirit to bring people to the Truth; however, when a person has deep roots in this destructive attitude many times he or she ignores the warnings and care nothing about the spiritual peril involved.

In our passage today, Jesus is speaking to the church at Laodicea. The Lord sends an angel to reveal to the people their state of spiritual indifference. The problem stems from their limited understanding of God’s heart. The people have decided since they have accumulated material possessions that must be a sign of God’s blessing in their lives; in other words they are certain God approves of their spiritual state. But, that is not the case. The Lord tells them they have become satisfied with the world’s goods and no longer press in for the true spiritual treasures he longs to give them. True value and riches only come from a right relationship with God. We need to live to please God by always heeding his correction.

Revelation 3:14-22 The Letter to Laodicea
14 This is what you must write to the angel of the church in Laodicea:
I am the one called Amen! I am the faithful and true witness and the source of God’s creation. Listen to what I say.

15 I know everything you have done, and you are not cold or hot. I wish you were either one or the other. 16 But since you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth. 17 You claim to be rich and successful and to have everything you need. But you don’t know how bad off you are. You are pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.

18 Buy your gold from me. It has been refined in a fire, and it will make you rich. Buy white clothes from me. Wear them and you can cover up your shameful nakedness. Buy medicine for your eyes, so that you will be able to see.

19 I correct and punish everyone I love. So make up your minds to turn away from your sins. 20 Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together. 21 Everyone who wins the victory will sit with me on my throne, just as I won the victory and sat with my Father on his throne.

22 If you have ears, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for this reminder about spiritual indifference. Holy Spirit, keep my spirit stirred and passionate; I will leave the door of my heart open to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.