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Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 12-10-19

Psalm 21:20

This morning as I am praying and enjoying fellowship with God, I am keenly aware of my need for his strength. In fact, I will go so far as to say the strength I already possess and the increase of strength I desperately need for today all come from God in the first place. Scripture encourages us to recognize this divine strength within us and to be strong in it (Eph. 6:10). We are not to boast in our own strength, but to accept the reality that our flesh is very weak (Mark 14:38). If we are willing to confess our need for God and rest upon his strength we find help in our greatest time of need. The Apostle Paul was dealing with a “thorn in the flesh” and he begged Jesus three times to remove it, but Jesus told him, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in your weakness” (2 Cor. 12:8). Paul’s testimony becomes a life lesson for us.

In our passage today, David has tasted yet another victory over evil. His enemies came to take him down, but the strength of God caused David to rise in victory. God’s strength was released as David recognized his need and called for help. This is the blessing of God’s presence with his children. So, not only are we promised strength in our weakness, we are invited to be filled with joy as he comes to be a present help. We all need the strength of Almighty God to live out each day for his glory. So, call upon the name of the Lord and ask him to be your strength in whatever area of your flesh that is experiencing weakness. He has promised grace and strength for the humble. Stand there by faith and thank him!

Psalm 21:20

Show your strength, Lord,
so that we may sing
and praise your power.

Prayer: Lord, I am in need of your strength, today. I know nothing in my weak flesh can battle the evil sent to defeat me. Therefore, I stand in your strength. May your strength be made perfect in my life, today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.