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Lenten Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 2-29-20

Psalm 51:12-1
David’s Consecration
Let my passion for life be restored,
tasting joy in every breakthrough you bring to me. Hold me close to you with a willing spirit that obeys whatever you say.
Then I can show to other guilty ones
how loving and merciful you are.
They will find their way back home to you,
knowing that you will forgive them.
O God, my saving God, deliver me fully from every sin, even the sin that brought bloodguilt. Then my heart will once again be thrilled to sing the passionate songs of joy and deliverance!
Lord God, unlock my heart, unlock my lips,
and I will overcome with my joyous praise!
For the source of your pleasure is not in my performance or the sacrifices I might offer to you.
The fountain of your pleasure is found
in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you. You will not despise my tenderness
as I humbly bow down at your feet.

Lenten Reflection: God wants to speak truth into every area of our lives; no sin hiding under hardened or stoney wills and no rebellious or selfish motive left standing against the holiness of God. Our journey is about rising up to obey the Word of the Lord. Joy will invade our tender hearts and songs of praise will fill our mouths.

Prayer: Lord, I pray for my heart to grow in tenderness toward you and toward others. Unlock my heart and my lips, so I may passionately share with others about your amazing goodness that awaits them, too. In Jesus’ name. Amen.