Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 5-28-20

Psalm 33:12-15 (TPT)
Blessed [Happy] and prosperous is that nation who has God as their Lord!
They will be the people he has chosen for his own [his inheritance].
The Lord looks over us from where he rules in heaven.
Gazing into every heart from his lofty dwelling place,
he observes all the peoples of the earth.
The Creator of our hearts considers and examines everything we do.

It is such an honor to be a part of this nation, yet I pause when I read this passage and pray for us to make God our Lord. Jesus is Creator God. To make God our Lord is to make Jesus the Ruler and Master over our lives; our individual lives and collective lives as citizens of this nation called the United States of America. To make God our Lord is to give him the authority he is due as Creator; we obey him and his Word out of respect and reverence. Then, we will be one nation under God. Blessed and prosperous is that nation. Do you pray every day for this nation to be one nation under God? We must never stop praying for every person in this nation and beyond to have a relationship with God as Lord. Remember, “Nothing is impossible with God!” (Luke 1:37). I pray for a move of the Holy Spirit that will bring all hearts to the Creator who is the Word of Truth.

Prayer: Heavenly Lord, please continue to rule my heart and lead me in the paths of righteousness for your glory. I pray for the people in the United States of America to identify the divisive work of evil; to grow beyond the divisive work of the media, corrupt leaders, and lawless individuals into the redemptive work of the Lord who alone brings blessing and prosperity. You are the God of the impossible who loves every heart, so I pray and ask knowing you want to be our Ruler and Lord. Holy Spirit bring a miracle; start today with this prayer! In Jesus’ name. Amen.