Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 6-29-20

1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 (TPT) Loving Others
9 There’s no need for anyone to say much to you about loving your fellow believers, for God is continually teaching you to unselfishly love one another. 10 Indeed, your love is what you’re known for throughout Macedonia. We urge you, beloved ones, to let this unselfish love increase and flow through you more and more. 11 Aspire [make it your driving desire] to lead a calm and peaceful life as you mind your own business and earn your living, just as we’ve taught you. 12 By doing this you will live an honorable life, influencing others and commanding respect of even the unbelievers. Then you’ll be in need of nothing and not dependent upon others [self-supporting].

God’s Word teaches the preeminence of love in the lives of believers. In fact, the love God teaches and empowers in our lives increases; it is to flow first to the brothers and sisters in the faith and then out to the world. Do you have a driving desire to remain in peace and live an honorable life? Well, it becomes easier to remain in peace if we will mind our own business and stop pulling the world’s problems into our thought life; otherwise, we give negativity too much power. Recognize the problems, but instead of talking and talking and talking about them all, take time to pray and give every problem up to God. Use your faith and your love for God and others to pray for answers to come. We serve Almighty God to whom nothing is impossible.

Prayer: Lord, I aspire to unselfishly love you and others in an increasing fashion. You make it possible as I stay focused on what is most important—loving by your standard. I pray for our country, government leaders, believers, and unbelievers to gain an overwhelming awareness of your presence, your love, and your ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen.