Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 9-25-20

Philippians 2:1-13 Joined Together in Perfect Unity
1 Look at how much encouragement you’ve found in your relationship with the Anointed One! You are filled to overflowing with his comforting love. You have experienced a deepening friendship with the Holy Spirit and have felt his tender affection and mercy.

2 So I’m asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in perfect unity—with one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy.

3 Be free from pride-filled opinions, for they will only harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others first and view others as more important than yourselves. 4 Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests. 5 And consider the example that Jesus, the Anointed One, has set before us. Let his mindset become your motivation.

Unity is really about forming a whole; it is the opposite of being divided. Unity is not necessarily good or bad—it’s neutral—until it is motivated by a purpose. If our purpose is to accomplish something good and godly, then as others unite in that purpose it remains the work of righteousness and brings glory to God. Of course let’s not forget that Satan works to unite people, too, but his purpose is to motivate or instigate lawlessness and wickedness in God’s world.

In his letter to the Philippians, the Apostle Paul reminds the Church to be unified in love and purpose; this unity is a gift that flows from the grace of God and sets Christ’s followers apart from the world. Holy unity fills believers with love and keeps our minds focused on honoring God and each other. We are all spiritually united—one—in Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:28). So, may Christ’s thoughts and ways be revealed in how we live and worship God, as well as how we love one another.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be motivated by your mindset as I seek to protect the precious unity among your spiritual family. Keep me focused on your purpose as I reach out to love and encourage others. Unite us in the bonds of your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.