Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 4-28-21

Mark 14:26-31 (VOICE)
26 After the meal, they sang a psalm and went out of the city to the Mount of Olives.
Jesus: 27 All of you will desert Me tonight. It was written by Zechariah,
    I will strike the shepherd,
        and the sheep will scatter.
28 But when I am raised up, I will go ahead of you to Galilee.

Peter (protesting): 29 It doesn’t matter who else turns his back on You. I will never desert You.

Jesus: 30 Peter, mark My words. This very night before the cock crows twice, you will have denied Me three times.

Peter (insisting): 31 No, Teacher. Even if it means that I have to die with You, I’ll never deny You.
All the other disciples said similar things.

Throughout Scripture, God’s Word reminds us the Lord knows all hearts; he knows the attitudes and motives of our hearts. God knows our strengths, as well as our weaknesses. Although he loves us, he will always be honest with us about our need to grow in spiritual maturity. He is the Truth. We are physical beings, as well as spiritual beings; our physical actions can have spiritual importance. The more we allow ourselves to grow in spiritual formation the more we will be ready for the times ahead—either good or challenging.

Our passage today is an excellent reminder—the Lord knows how we will respond to the Truth each day. Praise the Lord for the Spirit’s work in your life. Don’t protest the change the Lord wants to bring; welcome the growth because he sees far ahead of you. We all want to say we are ready for Christ’s return. Now is the season for growth so let’s embrace it because the harvest always follows.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for how well you know me. Prepare me for the work ahead. Make me bold and strong in your Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.