Daily Devotional form Pastor Mary 6-9-21

Luke 11:14-20 Jesus Responds to Controversy
14 One day a crowd gathered around Jesus, and among them was a man who was mute. Jesus drove out of the man the spirit that made him unable to speak. When the demon left him, the mute man’s tongue was loosed and immediately he was able to speak. The stunned crowd saw it all and marveled in amazement over this miracle! 15 But there were some in the crowd who protested, saying, “He casts out demons by the power of Satan, the demon king.” 16 Others were skeptical and tried to persuade Jesus to perform a spectacular display of power to prove that he was the Messiah.

17 Jesus, well aware of their every thought, said to them, “Every kingdom that is split against itself is doomed to fail and will eventually collapse. 18 If it is true that Satan casts out his own demons through me, how could his kingdom remain intact? 19 If Satan gives me the power to cast out his demons, who is it that gives your exorcists their power? Let them become your judges! Go, ask them, and they will tell you. 20 But if I am casting out demons by God’s mighty power, God’s kingdom is now released upon you—but you still reject it!

Our heavenly Father is Good with a capital “G.” In other words, Father is kind and benevolent. In the Word of God, Jesus reveals the Father’s heart and instructs his children of the kingdom how they should pray and call upon his perfect goodness. We are to persistently ask, seek, and knock and the door will one day be opened (v.9-10). As we use this childlike faith, we are told the Father will give the Holy Spirit’s fullness to us (v. 13). I want that fullness from my GOOD Father, how about you?

After teaching about the goodness of the Father, Jesus turns to reveal that goodness in a tangible way; he prays and casts a demon out of a mute man (v.14). Rather than recognize the goodness of the Father, some folks in the crowd accuse him of using the power of Satan to accomplish this exorcism (v.15). Jesus responds by reminding them a kingdom divided against itself is not sustainable. Indeed, Jesus brings kingdom abundance to those who will accept the Good News of our Good Father. So, believe in the goodness of the Father, the work of Christ, and the fullness of the Spirit; be persistent in your asking, seeking, and knocking for the fullness of the Holy Spirit, because the door will be opened.

Prayer: Father, thank you for the goodness you always spill into my life. I am so blessed by your love and kindness each day. I am persistently asking, seeking, and knocking for the fullness of your Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.