Evangelical Devotion 07-22-23

Last week, we looked at several people throughout the Jesus Movement from the 1960s and the 1970s.  I would encourage you to dive deeper into this movement because there is a lot of great information.  This week, we are going to look at a different movement known as The College Campus Revival from the early 1970s.  It was interesting to examine and look at because it happened on a college campus.  Most of the time, we would hear some negative news coming out of a college campus, but this time is different.  This specific revival came out of Asbury College in Wilmore Kentucky.  It started off like any other day by students attending chapel and diving deeper into His word and seeking His understanding.  This chapel was led by Dean Custer Reynolds.  He started and then he asked other students by sharing their personal testimony.  Once he finished, then more students shared their testimony with the school.  One by one, the students asked for a spiritual renewal in their lives. The chapel was filled and people were waiting in lines to share.  Because of this, classes were canceled for the week and had a revival for 144 hours.  Because of the popularity of this revival, there were sessions led by Reynolds and a few others.  As a result of the sessions, 2,000 witness teams went out and spoke to nearly 130 college campuses.  


I want to challenge you to think about what it means to step out in faith.  I remember watching an episode of the TV series “The Chosen” and there was a scene where Matthew and Philip are having a dialogue about what it means to be on the outside of the circle.  This stuck out to me because so often we want to be included and inside the circle, but sometimes it is good for us to be on the outside of the circle.  Here’s what I’m saying: you can step out in faith without stepping into the circle.  In other words, we cannot be conformed to the patterns of this world, but instead we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2).  I want to challenge you to step out in faith but don’t step in the circle.  When we start doing this, we will begin to see what God is trying to reveal to us and what we need to do to stay in tuned or in lined with Him.  If those students have the ability to go and share the word with other colleges, then we can have the confidence to share His word with others.  


Heavenly Father, I pray for Your continuous strength and wisdom as we continue to do the things that You have called us to.  As we grow Your Kingdom, let us not be ashamed of it.  Instead, let us embrace it and let Your word shine before others so that the darkness will flee and Your light will shine through.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.