Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 07-27-23

Intro: Gratitude is a powerful attitude. It has the power to turn a negative spirit into a positive one. Gratitude can change a perspective and open hearts to seeing things in light of God’s truth and love. When our moods are low, expressing gratitude will be a lifter for our souls. There are many things for which we can be grateful; so, when we are able to give thanks for the continual blessings of God—for things we can see and even things we cannot see—we have chosen to focus on the goodness of God rather than ourselves. If you need more spiritual energy, then begin to praise the Lord and you will find new strength. God is not far away and he inhabits the praises of his people—his holy presence rests upon the hearts of those who honor him and proclaim his goodness (Ps 22:3).

In our passage today, David desires for the holy presence of God to rest on himself and the people as they make plans once again to take the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. Scripture tells us David failed to accomplish his mission the first time because he and the Levitical priests [leaders] did not seek the Lord’s counsel for “how” to move the Ark (2 Sam 6:7). However, from his previous failure, David now understands the importance of seeking the Lord and becoming familiar with God’s ways. David successfully relocates the Ark and appoints the Levitical priests the role of leading praise as part of worship (1 Chi 16:4). It is no wonder David is called a man after God’s heart (1 Sam 13:14).

This is a good lesson for us, today, as well, because this passage teaches us about our worship and the importance of coming with the right attitude—gratitude. So, like David, I encourage us to “continually” search for and seek the Lord. We are so incredibly blessed at Connect2Christ Church by our worship team and the songs of praise that fills our worship environment every Sunday. I am so grateful for our times to gather as worshipers. When all of us come together to express our sincere gratitude to God, it is a very powerful time in the Spirit. Be filed with gratitude and enjoy God’s blessings, today.

Psalm 105

Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness.
    Let the whole world know what he has done.

Sing to him; yes, sing his praises.
    Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds.

Exult in his holy name;
    rejoice, you who worship the Lord.

Search for the Lord and for his strength;
    continually seek him.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the goodness you pour upon our lives every day. We proclaim your greatness and we sing praises to your name. Like David, we press in and seek to become familiar with your ways in order to bring you glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.