Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 04-12-24

In our present culture, we seem to be fixated on words like inclusiveness, because we are afraid to exclude anyone for any reason or even keep a person accountable for a crime, a lack of skill, diligence, or motivation on a job. We are hesitant to temporarily hold children back in school even when they cannot yet demonstrate a proper level of learning, because we are more focused on their self-esteem and feelings than helping them cope with small failures and learning through hard work and sacrifice they are able to achieve more! Let’s remember, we [human beings] are made wonderfully complex; the workmanship of Almighty God (Ps 139:14).
Yesterday, I saw a report of how Mattel has designed a new version of Scrabble—a 75 y/o competitive spelling board game—that is more inclusive for Gen Z. The new name is called “Scrabble Together” and in the game everyone wins, because each player is offered helper cards, team advantage, and a simple scoring system. The release of this new game will begin tomorrow in Europe on April 13th to celebrate National Scrabble Day. No criticism from me, but really?

Every human being needs to find the “Pathway” to unity; however, we also need help to grow emotionally stronger through obstacles, spiritually wiser through temptation, and gain more knowledge through study each day. Of course, believers know Jesus is that Pathway, and although we are all invited to enter his Kingdom, each one of us must work out our salvation in the Spirit. It is, by the way, hard work that requires endurance and perseverance through failure. We need to be able to learn from the Spirit what is true and fight our flesh in order to follow righteousness. If all we do is cater to our flesh and think we will enjoy the fruits of heaven, we have believed a lie.

There is a term call “the gospel of universalism” which is the theology that all human souls will be saved and reconciled to God. But, Jesus referred to himself as the “Door” or “Gate” through whom people must enter salvation (John 10:9). So, God himself demonstrates spiritual exclusion for those who refuse to bow to Christ the Living Word of God to enter the Kingdom through the Great Door of salvation. Are we going to rewrite God’s Word to make it more inclusive?

This week in our lessons, the Apostle John has warned us about the lies of the Antichrist, as well as about false spiritual teachers who do not groom God’s family to live in the righteousness of Christ. False teachers pander to human weakness, rather than focus on God’s power to redeem. When John says we do not need anyone to teach us, he does not mean we do not need higher education, spiritual training, or position ourselves to learn from other believers. He means every believer has the indwelling Holy Spirit who bears witness when we hear the truth that is taught or shared by others. We don’t need to be led astray by lies, we can follow the Truth as long as we stay connected him!

1 John 2:26-28 NLT
26 I am writing these things to warn you about those who want to lead you astray. 27 But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true—it is not a lie. So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship [connected] to Christ.

Living as Children of God
28 And now, dear children, remain in fellowship with Christ so that when he returns, you will be full of courage and not shrink back from him in shame.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the lessons you have brought forward for us, today. We pray for our hearts to love and respect others. We pray for our minds to desire to learn and grow from you. We pray for healthy emotions and courage to learn from our mistakes and failures and grow in righteousness and endurance. We pray for the Holy Spirit to make us aware of lies and lead us into the Truth. We want to remain connected, Lord, so we reach out our hands to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.