Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 04-16-24

There are five main Books of Psalms [Heb. tehilim; Gk. psalmos]; these writings are actually sung prayers of praise and part of the Hebrew writings [Ketuvim]. David wrote at least 73 of these musical prayers and as we read them we can recognize the alignment they reflect with many of the things that transpired throughout Israel’s history with God documented in the Torah. Therefore, these writings become life lessons.

Woven throughout all five Books, the psalmist occasionally found himself offering a sacrifice of praise or lament, because life was just so difficult and challenging for God’s people. We, too, learn how to praise God for his strength and power even in the midst of our worst trials; thanking him for his forgiveness, living with a spirit of gratitude for his goodness in the past, and growing in our obedience by trusting in his love to lead us successfully into the future. These Books lead us to the revelation the Word of God is the Light of our salvation!

The first Book of psalms [Chs. 1-41] is focused on praising God for his justice [righteousness], because humanity is depraved, needs to be rescued (forgiven and delivered), and must learn obedience to the will and word of God. In Book II [Chs. 42-72], the psalmist is focused on praising God for rescuing Israel [and us] from the many ways we self-slaughter or get ourselves enslaved to the things of the world, because we have disobeyed God’s word. In Book III [Chs. 73-89], the psalmist sings prayers of praise about God’s holiness and our need to enthrone him by honoring his word above all other things, because only the Lord can deliver and make us spiritually mature. In Book IV [Chs. 90-106], the psalmist sings about Israel’s [and ours] relationship to the other nations of the world as we serve God’s Kingdom and keep our main focus on the word or commands of the Lord. And lastly, Book V [Chs.107-150], is focused on praising God with great thanksgiving by living a life of worship to the Lord. From beginning to end the Books of Psalms leads us into prayers of praise and worship.

So, the entirety of these prayerful writings help all of us remain devoted to God as we praise the Lord each day. Believers are people who are forgiven, redeemed, obedient, loving, and grateful! Being loved by God is the greatest blessing and knowing whatever we face in life the Lord has promised to be with us. We can find comfort in knowing God loves us and he is the One in control; he will bring his strength to deliver, protect, and sustain us according to his word. So, let every living thing sing praises to the Lord!

Psalm 150

Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
    praise him in his mighty heaven!

Praise him for his mighty works;
    praise his unequaled greatness!

Praise him with a blast of the ram’s horn;
    praise him with the lyre and harp!

Praise him with the tambourine and dancing;
    praise him with strings and flutes!

Praise him with a clash of cymbals;
    praise him with loud clanging cymbals.

Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord!
Praise the Lord!

Prayer: Lord, thank you for always being there for us and helping us see our spiritual journey in this world can only be successfully lived as we connect to you. Life and death are placed before us all the time; help us to choose life so we can enjoy the blessings! We praise you today for being our Shepherd, Encourager, Comforter, and Friend. In Jesus’ name we pray and praise! Amen.