Daily Devotional (4/24/24)

There are going to be times where we are going to have to learn about patience.  Patience is one of the most difficult things that we can learn.  When we are in a situation where patience is presented, it is difficult for us to be patient.  For instance, we need to be patient with other people.  Sometimes, there are going to be people who are going to drive us crazy.  So the question becomes “How can we be patient with them?”  One way we can be patient is to let the Spirit wash over before we have a conversation with them.  It is so important that we are taking the time to learn patience.  

While we need to be patient with others, we also need to be patient with God’s timing.  His timing is far greater than our own timing.  In Micah 7:9, it speaks about how the prophet Micah will be patient as God punishes him for sinning.  How many times has He been patient with us?  In Romans 5:8, it talks about how we God still loves us even while we are still sinners.  So because we are sinners, God shows great patience towards us because He still loves us.  He does not give up on us because we have made a mistake.  In other words, He is very patient with us.  If God is very patent with us, then we need to be patient with others.  Not only patient with others, but also being patient in different seasons throughout our lives.  Things happen for a reason within a season and we need to recognize His plan for us.  

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Thank You for making us unique in Your eyes.  I pray that as we face different things throughout our lives, help us to be patient.  Not only patient with other people, but also being patient with Your plans for us.  We recognize Your goodness and Your love.  Help us to practice being patient and letting Your love wash over us every single day.  In His name I pray, amen.