Daily Devotional (4/25/24)

One thing that I look forward to is coming to church on Sunday.  Not only is it the first day of the week, but it is also a great time to fellowship with our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ but also to surrender our frustrations, our burdens, our struggles, and everything else of that nature up to God.  It’s one thing to do this as an individual but it’s another thing to do this collectively.  Collective worship brings power and a sense of unity to the body.  Where there is unity within the church, the stronger the body will be.  

In today’s passage, the writer David is acknowledging this idea of collective worship in Psalm 22:25-31.  In verse 25, it says “I will praise you in the great assembly.  I will fulfill my vows in the presence of those who worship you.”  David is talking about how he will praise God in the great assembly, meaning fellowshipping and collective worship.  In verse 28, it says “For royal power belongs to the Lord.  He rules all the nations.”  This verse gives an absolute statement saying that God has all authority and rules all nations.  Similarly, Jesus says in Matthew 28:18 that all authority has been given to Him in heaven and on earth.  Clearly, we know who we should worship.  

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Help us to understand Your authority.  Continue to remind us that You are the one who is in charge and in control of everything that goes on.  While man would try to discourage us and making us go in a different direction, help us to stay on track by following Your grace and mercy.  In Jesus name, amen.