Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 08-23-24

Biblical theology [the study of the whole Bible that forms the redemption story] guards and guides the Church [believers] toward God’s full nature and character, as well as reveals what it means to be his people living his way. For the past seventeen weeks, I have been teaching a Bible Study based on the doctrines of Grace [the divine nature and power working in us] and Faith [the substance of things we hope for and the evidence of things not yet seen] (Heb 11:1). We must learn how to balance these two extraordinary gifts from God, because our very lives rest in the love of God who provided them for our growth and well-being [wholeness].

Grace and Faith work because of God’s unconditional and perfect love. We have been saved by grace through faith in Christ’s atoning work on the cross. At that intersection of grace, faith, and repentance God bestows the gift of eternal life and calls the believing sinner righteous even in his or her present sinful state; this gift is called justification.

As wonderful as this gift is, it does not mean our souls (mind/will/emotions) are suddenly perpetually perfect. It is only a beginning. Now, the justified sinner lives by grace [God’s empowerment] through faith [believing] in God’s love to bring day by day transformation; this is called sanctification (Phil 2:12-15). We cannot create a holy nature in ourselves—holiness is the opposite of our sinful nature—but God’s grace and love can and will if we believe!
In our passage today, the Apostle Paul reminds the Church in Rome about their need for the day to day transformation of their flesh or sin nature—sanctification. Paul is talking to believers who have accepted Christ, they just have not fully understood the true gift and work of grace through faith. He reminds these believers to live each day as though Jesus was arriving; the One who said, “If you want to follow Me, you must deny yourself the things you think you want; You must pick up your cross and follow Me” (Mat 16:24).

According to our faith in Christ alone, as believers we are learning to share the love of God with others in practical ways and learning to love ourselves in humble ways. In this way, we are emulating the life of Christ who gave up his perfect flesh for our sinful one, so our souls could now be made mature by God’s divine nature and power working in us. When we really love God and others as Christ has loved us, it’s incredible what that does to purify our eyes, our tongues, and our motives. Have a blessed weekend…

Romans 13:11-14 VOICE
11 And now consider this. You know well the times you are living in. It is time for you to wake up and see what is right before your eyes: for salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. 12 The darkness of night is dissolving as dawn’s light draws near, so walk out on your old dark life and put on the armor of light. 13 May we all act as good and respectable people, living today the same way as we will in the day of His coming. Do not fall into patterns of dark living: wild partying, drunkenness, sexual depravity, decadent gratification, quarreling, and jealousy. 14 Instead, wrap yourselves in the Lord Jesus, God’s Anointed, and do not fuel your sinful imagination by indulging your self-seeking desire for the pleasures of the flesh.

Prayer: Lord, help us to understand the times in which we are living. Help us to put aside the weight and guilt of past-living that tries to hold us back, as well as deny our present self-seeking desires. Your grace is what we need and by faith help us believe in the change we long to see in ourselves. We want to further your Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy with our very lives. So, fill us with love and make us lights in the darkness who are grateful for the transformation you have sent grace to accomplish in our ongoing salvation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.