Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 09-05-24

It is a constant battle to separate the petty in life from the holy. The Bible defines pettiness as “small trivial matters that cause division and start arguments.” We can all be petty at times, but Jesus is never involved in it. That comes from our flesh; a sinful attitude and behavior that surfaces when we have to prove we are “right!” Some stuff in life we try to champion can be really petty and useless. There are much more valuable ways to spend our time and efforts. Little foxes can spoil the vine; can cause damage to our relationships, hinder our personal growth, and set us up for negative consequences in life.

In our passage today from the gospel of Mark, Jesus is dealing with the petty when he wants to share the holy. The Pharisees rewrite God’s Word, because they champion their teachings over the mitzvahs or commandments of God. They miss the valuable lessons from God, because they are focused on minutiae. Think about how petty the Pharisees focus is in this moment. These leaders want to be right and are willing to take a stand and prove to the Living Word of God their interpretation of God’s Word is biblical. Jesus sets them straight.

When a prideful ego and pettiness become inseparable friends, disaster is sure to follow. Jesus tells the Pharisees they are using their teachings to mislead and manipulate the people causing them to neglect their responsibilities to care for their aging parents. The Pharisees care about petty things; Jesus cares about the heart being filled with holiness.

We do not take care of our families, friends, or those in need, because they deserve it. We take care of each other, because God commands it. We love each other the way God loves us. If we stayed focused on the holy love of God, our sin would have no room to grow or gain power through our actions. Never forget, sin starts as a thought in the mind and soon develops into messy and miserable lives.

Mark 7:9-23 NLV 9 Jesus said to them, “You put away laws of God but keep your own teaching. 10 Moses said, ‘Respect your father and mother.’ ‘He who curses his father and mother will be put to death!’ 11 But you say that it is right if a man does not help his father and mother because he says he has given to God what he could have given to them. 12 You are not making him do anything for his father and mother. 13 You are putting away the Word of God to keep your own teaching. You are doing many other things like this.”

14 Jesus called the people to Him again. He said, “Listen to Me, all of you, and understand this. 15 It is not what goes into a man’s mouth from the outside that makes his mind and heart sinful. It is what comes out from the inside that makes him sinful. 16 You have ears, then listen!”

17 He went into the house away from all the people. His followers began to ask about the picture-story. 18 He said to them, “Do you not understand yet? Do you not understand that whatever goes into a man cannot make him sinful? 19 It does not go into his heart, but into his stomach and then on out of his body.” In this way, He was saying that all food is clean. 20 He said, “Whatever comes out of a man is what makes the man sinful. 21 From the inside, out of the heart of men come bad thoughts, sex sins of a married person, sex sins of a person not married, killing other people, 22 stealing, wanting something that belongs to someone else, doing wrong, lying, having a desire for sex sins, having a mind that is always looking for sin, speaking against God, thinking you are better than you are and doing foolish things. 23 All these bad things come from the inside and make the man sinful.”

Prayer: Lord, thank you for helping us understand the power of the petty that leads to sin and rebellion against your holiness. We need help with our thoughts, so please continue to renew our minds with the Word. Fill us with your love, so we have no room to wander into sin and selfishness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.