Daily Devotional 10 Days of Prayer (10/11/24) Day 9

One thing about me is that I like crime shows and different things of that nature.  For instance, one of my favorite crime shows is the Law and Order series.  There is this balance of law enforcement and what happens in that realm, and the lawyers and and what happens in that realm.  One of the key players in the courtroom is the judge.  The judge is listening to both sides of the case.  They listen to the evidence brought on by the defense and the prosecution.  Then, they make their ruling based on the evidence.  Either the person is guilty or they are innocent, they must make a fair ruling.  One thing about God is that He always makes a fair ruling.  One of the many names of God is Jehovah-Tsedek, which is Hebrew for “Lord Our Righteousness.”  He is always fair.  

In today’s scripture, the prophet Isaiah speaks about how we ought to learn to do good.  He also mentions that we ought to be helping those around us.  There are people who are struggling, not just in terms of physically, but also in terms of spiritually.  There are people who are struggling with their relationship with God because they are caught in this mess between following God or following their own will.  There is this decision that we all have to make: either life or death.  I want to challenge all of us to choose life.  

Isaiah 1:17 NLT- “Learn to do good.  Seek justice.  Help the oppressed.  Defend the cause of orphans.  Fight for the rights of widows.”  


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being fair.  No matter what set of circumstances that we face, You give us things that we know we can handle.  Help us to turn towards You at all times.  Forgive us for when we have sinned towards You.  Remind us that we ought to be following You no matter what.  When we start to fall away, help us to get back towards You.  In Jesus name, amen.