Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 05-31-24

When we cry out to God in prayer, although it may take some time, He answers us and when he does joy just overtakes our souls (Heb 11:1). Every answer to prayer puts praise on our lips, because we know God loves us. Honestly, when we have to trust and wait for God’s Spirit to move, good comes out of that wait, because we grow more dependent upon God and become more aware of his incredible holiness.

In our passage today, we continue our reading about Hannah and her tear-filled prayer about her barrenness. Hannah has waited a long time for a miraculous move of God and she is not disappointed; God opens her womb and she has a child whom she names Samuel. Hannah deeply loves and treasures this miracle child, but after he is weaned she dedicates Samuel to the work of the Lord because of God’s great love and faithfulness revealed to her. In Hannah’s weakness, God came to make her strong. In Hannah’s distress, God came to provide her with experiential knowledge of his holiness and faithful integrity to love his children.

God’s holiness is the foundation for human security; holiness is the perfect descriptor of God’s character. He is set apart from us, because he is holy and we have a sin nature. For this reason, we praise God for the blood of Jesus that covers us and allows us to have a relationship with our holy Father. Hannah’s prayer of praise reminds us of just how precious a relationship with God truly is. So, pray for the things on your heart and place your hope in God’s love for you.

1 Samuel 2:1-5 NLT Hannah’s Prayer of Praise
1 Then Hannah prayed:
“My heart rejoices in the Lord!
    The Lord has made me strong.
Now I have an answer for my enemies;
    I rejoice because you rescued me.

No one is holy like the Lord!
    There is no one besides you;
    there is no Rock like our God.

“Stop acting so proud and haughty!
    Don’t speak with such arrogance!
For the Lord is a God who knows what you have done;
    he will judge your actions.

The bow of the mighty is now broken,
    and those who stumbled are now strong.

Those who were well fed are now starving,
    and those who were starving are now full.
The childless woman now has seven children,
    and the woman with many children wastes away.

Prayer: Lord, we humbly come before your throne of grace to receive mercy in your holy presence. We ask forgiveness for the times we have acted arrogant or disrespectful toward you or others. Continue to transform us in your image, feed us Truth by your Word, and fill us with your righteous Spirit, so we can remain strong and bold for you in this dry and dreary land. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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