Daily Devotional (06/21/24)

One of the things that I try to do is that I try my best to stay healthy.  Part of the process is going to the doctors and seeing what I am doing right and what I need to improve on.  One kind of doctor that we tend to not think about is the eye doctor.  Our eyes are just as important as any other part of our body.  We go to the eye doctor to see if our eyes are healthy as well.  They will examine them and see if they are healthy or not.  They also check and see if we need a new pair of glasses or contacts.  Needless to say, it is very important to go to the eye doctor to make sure you’re healthy in your eyes.  

How does the eye doctor tie into today’s passage?  In Matthew 9:27-34, it talks about how Jesus had healed the blind.  Not only did He heal them, but He also healed a man who was possessed by a demon.  Going to the two men who were blind, they were yelling for the Son of David to have mercy on them.  Jesus asked them if they believe He can make them see.  When they assured Him that they do, He reminded them that because of their faith, it will come to pass.  Once they were healed, Jesus sternly instructed them to not to tell anyone about this.  Instead of obeying His instruction, they decided to do the exact opposite and started telling others about Jesus.  After that, there was a man who couldn’t speak because he was possessed by a demon.  He was healed and the crowds were amazed at what Jesus did.  Of course the Pharisees were greatly concerned about the fame that Jesus was getting.  

One of the things that happens to us quite often is that we would become spiritually blind.  While people think that we can see, but they are talking about their physical condition.  It is very rare for people, particularly Christians, to talk about their spiritual health.  In 2 Corinthians 13:5, the apostle Paul reminds us to examine ourselves to see if our faith is genuine.  In Matthew 9:29, Jesus mentions the idea that the two blind men will receive their sight because of their faith.  It is important that we have faith for God to open our spiritual eyes to see and to be aware of what Satan is up to.  His mission is to rob, steal, and to kill (John 10:10) and he will be stalking like a lion (1 Peter 5:8).  We need to be aware of this so that we can be prepared for those attacks (Ephesians 6:10-18).  

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for all that You do for us.  Continue to reveal things that need to be revealed.  Give us strength and wisdom to make it through our day.  Help us to not be spiritually blind by the things of this world.  We known that the enemy is the author of confusion and will do everything he can to keep us away from You.  Help us to be strong and to resist him.  Help us to be prepared.  No matter what takes place in our lives, thank you for loving us unconditionally.  In Jesus name, amen.  

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