Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 07-18-24

Things like uncertainty, hardship, change, and sorrow bring overwhelming pressure to the human soul—mind, will, and emotions. These things are a part of living in a fallen world. We must seek an accurate perspective of the whole truth [God’s perspective], so we can gain gracious wisdom in order to navigate through these things while still hanging onto to our faith, trust, and joy in the Lord. It is clear we always need the Lord—our Shepherd—a role of great responsibility and pure leadership.

The biblical concept of a shepherd serves as a metaphor for the kind of loving leadership God provides to bless his people: A holy, humble, benevolent, caring, soul-lifting Leader. God expected his shepherds to follow the Lord while leading his people into a right relationship where they could experience his blessings [moving out of exile and bondage to sin and into the Promised Land flowing with God’s goodness]. Therefore, as we understand from David, shepherds need to follow the gracious Good Shepherd!

In our passage, today, the Lord wants his followers to understand we can live without fear, because he has promised to provide for us. Our souls can know refreshment, because he is the Living Water. Our souls can know peace, because he is the Prince of Peace/Wholeness. Our souls can know the will of God, because he is our Righteous Way. Our souls can know comfort, because he is the Comforter. So, if you need to catch your breath, today, because the issues of life are trying to overwhelm you, remember the Lord wants you to follow him, because goodness is found in his care. He will revive every drooping soul!

Psalm 23 NLV The Lord—Our Shepherd
1 The Lord is my Shepherd. I will have everything I need. 2 He lets me rest in fields of green grass. He leads me beside the quiet waters. 3 He makes me strong again. He leads me in the way of living right with Himself which brings honor to His name. 4 Yes, even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not be afraid of anything, because You are with me. You have a walking stick with which to guide and one with which to help. These comfort me. 5 You are making a table of food ready for me in front of those who hate me. You have poured oil on my head. I have everything I need. 6 For sure, You will give me goodness and loving-kindness all the days of my life. Then I will live with You in Your house forever.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for being true to your Word. You will always fulfill your promises when we are willing to follow you and your purpose for our lives. Thank you for the anointed and glorious grace and character you provide; it is your way to mark those who belong to you. When we feel overwhelmed, thank you for always being there when we call upon your name. Blessed be the name of the Lord and in your name we pray! Amen.

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