Daily Devotional from Pastor Mary 08-22-24

Because God has gifted me as a visionary and planner, the unknown is a place of discovery for me. It is both exciting and unsettling. I have to work to find my place in the “rest” (Heb. nuach—calmness) of God. I seek to spiritually help others do the same.

Life can bring many uncomfortable places; our circumstances can change in a moment and we must find a solid place to regain our peace and stability. I like to make decisions and start working on what needs to be done. Yet, there can be aspects of achieving a vision goal that I may not see or understand at the beginning. God may give a vision, but his time and process may not look exactly the way I have anticipated or perceived it. I have to remain obedient and flexible as I trust God and discover the next step.

In our passage today, the Apostle Paul reminds the Church in Thessalonica (and all believers) they belong to God and even though they feel unsettled about the future, God will provide his grace and peace. Paul goes on to remind us trying to plan for or know the day or time of Christ’s return is foolish. Only the Father knows; EVERYONE will be surprised.

Therefore, humanity must be ready every single day for the Lord’s return. We can remain calm while we wait, because Jesus said his return would upset worldly affairs that will take place prior to destruction. Believers have not been created for destruction, we are children of the Light and we are destined for an amazing reunion with our King Jesus.

So, with the help of the Spirit, let’s keep our souls obedient to God’s fruit-producing Word [self-control] and encourage each other to press on as we seek to use grace to enlarge our King’s Kingdom. Controlling life is impossible; but, controlling our souls is possible if we lean on the strength of God. We have to choose the rest and calm of our Savior for the unsettling places in life, but fear does not have to be our dwelling place—choose today to be sons and daughters of the day!

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 VOICE
1 Now, brothers and sisters, you don’t need further instruction from us or anyone else for that matter regarding how the seasons and times will play out. 2 That’s because you know the truth well enough. The day of the Lord will race onto the scene and surprise us like a thief in the night. 3 People will be going about their business chanting, “All is well! All is at peace!” and in the next moment, ruin and destruction will suddenly seize them as labor pains grip a woman about to give birth; for them there will be no escape. 4 My brothers and sisters, it will be different for you. You do not dwell in the darkness, so that day will not surprise you like a thief. 5 For you are all children of light. You are sons and daughters of the day. We are not created of night, nor are we owned by darkness. 6 So then let’s not give in to sleep or wander around in a stupor as some do, but let’s stay awake and in control. 7 You see, sleepers sleep through the night, and drunkards drink the night away; 8 but since we belong to the day, we should stay sober and in control, covered with a breastplate of faith and love and a helmet of the hope of salvation. 9 For God has not destined us, His chosen, to face His wrath but to be the heirs of salvation through our Lord Jesus the Anointed, the Liberating King, 10 who died for us. So regardless of whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him. 11 So support one another. Keep building each other up as you have been doing.

Prayer: Lord, let our plan today be to remain in your rest and allow the calmness of your Spirit and strength to carry us through any uncomfortable challenges. Making plans in this world is something we will continue to do, but help us make our relationship with you our greatest quest, do our best to live for you, and trust you with the rest. We wait for your return and we long for the day when we can be reunited to enjoy life with you in the eternal realm. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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