The Bible—the Word of God—reveals so many miracles within its pages, because nothing is impossible with God if people will believe [Mk 9:23]. Miracles display the love and power of God over even the natural order of things, because God compassionately responds to human need. God created the human race, so he is most certainly going to care for us.
Today, please consider three of God’s greatest miracles he performed for the purpose of meeting human need if we will believe: 1) The Word of God miraculously came down from heaven and became human—in the form of a humble baby—to show humanity the Way we were originally created to live in the world; 2) The Word of God humbly laid down his physical life of holy Truth in exchange for our human life filled with sin [rebellion against God] in order to be the powerful and redeeming Door of Hope for the believer’s eternal life and future miraculous resurrection from the dead; and 3) The Word of God is the new miraculous Life imparted to believers and empowered by the Holy Spirit so we can now live the Truth in the midst of a world filled with sin [Jo 10:7, 14:6].
This is the miracle of Christmas: The Lord of Love has been born as a Gift to humanity. The Lord of Love came with the purpose of being the Savior for humanity. The Lord of Love now offers humanity new life—eternal life—that is filled with His perfect presence. Believers now live with the anticipation that at any moment the divine life and activity of God may be revealed through and around us. Let the Word open your spiritual eyes and ears and shine the love of Christ! Merry Christmas!
John 1:1-4 NLT Christ, the Eternal Word
In the beginning the Word already existed.
The Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
He existed in the beginning with God.
God created everything through him,
and nothing was created except through him.
The Word gave life to everything that was created,
and his life brought light to everyone.
Prayer: Father, thank you for the love Gift of your Son, the Savior, for your human creation. Now we can live with your indwelling Presence leading and guiding us toward your righteous character and holy nature. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
NOTE: I will be taking a break from writing the devotionals, but will start back up New Year’s Day. Love to all! Merry Christmas!